It’s Time to Enter Your Caviar Era


What’s a bigger symbol of culinary opulence than caviar? Those tiny, glistening orbs of joy have captivated the palates of connoisseurs for centuries, conjuring images of yachts, fur stoles, and five-star restaurants. Thankfully, caviar has since become a less stuffy, more accessible treat for anyone who appreciates its flavor, no matter their net worth. There’s no better time to enter your hot-girl-eating-caviar era. 

We’re taking a dive into all things caviar: its fascinating history, the myriad of types, and the best ways to enjoy it (hint: sparkling wine is involved). Ready to live out your Champagne wishes and caviar dreams? Keep reading.

First things first: what is caviar?

Caviar is basically the salted eggs, or roe, sourced specifically from the Sturgeon family of fish (eggs from any other species are just called roe). Each fish can have its own unique flavor and texture, so caviar is similar to wine in that it is an acquired taste. Depending on the country, caviar can come from other fish including salmon, steelhead, trout, lumpfish, whitefish, and carp. The most expensive caviars are typically older, larger, and lighter in color. Caviar is typically enjoyed as a spread or garnish—more on that later!

Does caviar have an origin story? 

Yes, and a pretty fancy one. Caviar's origins can be traced back to ancient times when it was first savored by Persian and Russian royalty. It comes from the Persian word khâvyâr, which roughly translates to “egg-bearing.” The Caspian Sea became renowned for its abundance of sturgeon, the fish species responsible for the most prized and sought-after caviar. Over time, caviar gained fame across the globe, becoming synonymous with wealth, luxury, and indulgence.

Okay, but why is caviar so popular?

Caviar has solidified its place in pop culture as an extravagant culinary delight. James Bond only eats the best Beluga; hip-hop stars rap about it religiously; in an episode of Sex and the City, caviar is served at a high-profile event as “fish eggs for rich people.”

Along with being a symbol of wealth and glamour, caviar is packed with vitamins and minerals. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which boost immunity, improve metabolism and memory, and can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Caviar’s antioxidant properties protect and nourish the skin, which is why it has also popped up in plenty of beauty products

What are some different types of caviar?

  • Beluga Caviar: The Beyoncé of caviar, with large, lustrous eggs that range in color from light gray to deep black. Known for its rich, buttery flavor and smooth texture.
  • Osetra Caviar: Smaller in size but big on taste, Osetra caviar boasts a nutty, creamy flavor profile. Its eggs range in color from golden to dark brown.
  • Sevruga Caviar: The smallest eggs of the three, Sevruga caviar sizzles with its intense, briny taste and distinctive gray color.
  • Salmon Roe: From Salmon, not Sturgeon, but we had to give Salmon roe some love because it's very affordable, the color of sunsets, and the extra-large eggs come with a super briny, explosive pop that we just love.  

What are the best ways to eat caviar?

Just remember the three B’s: bumps, bubbles, and bliss! While caviar can be served with accouterments like creme fraiche, lemon wedges, eggs, and blinis, aficionados have long cherished the “decadent and naughty” ritual of caviar bumps—small spoonfuls of roe eaten off the back of one’s hand. To properly indulge, you only need a tin of caviar and a good spoon (ideally one that’s non-metallic and made from mother of pearl, to ensure the delicate flavor remains uncompromised). 

When it comes to finding the perfect partner for caviar, sparkling wine steals the spotlight. The effervescence and crispness of a quality sparkling wine complement the creamy, salty flavors of caviar, creating a playful dance of taste sensations on the tongue. Whether it's a classic Champagne, a sparkling brut from California, or a refreshing Prosecco, the bubbly's dryness and acidity cut through the roe’s richness and cleanse the palate, preparing it for the next glorious caviar bite (er, bump).

For a truly blissful caviar experience, be sure that it’s served ice cold. Experts suggest storing it in the coldest part of your fridge but never actually freezing it, which would all but destroy the texture. Unopened caviar should last between four and six weeks. It’s also recommended not to chew caviar; instead, use your tongue, and not your teeth, to extract the full aroma and flavor. Good caviar will linger even after you swallow, so don’t chug those bubbles right away. Slow down and let the luxury wash over you!

So, if you're celebrating a special occasion or simply looking to treat yourself, remember to pop open a bottle of Une Femme and savor the exquisite indulgence of caviar. Life is too short to deny yourself the finer things—and caviar is definitely one of them.